Quit with Bella

Your AI-Powered Personal Stop Smoking Robo-Coach

Quit with Bella Today

Quitting smoking is rewarding but it can be tough, so it’s best to have a fully trained stop smoking coach by your side.

Trusted By

"Quit with Bella is a really important initiative within Birmingham. Plans are afoot to ensure that our population can improve their health before the likely ‘2nd wave of COVID 19’. Being about to stop smoking is part of enabling people to get fit and improve their health and well-being. This initiative enables people on a population wide level to get the evidence based support they need at any hour of the day or night and get the pharmaceutical input they require as well to stop smoking”

- Marion Gibbon, Assistant Director of Public Health, Birmingham City Council.

“Dudley Council Public Health & Wellbeing commission a fully integrated adult wellness service which includes both a universal and a targeted stop smoking service. We are delighted that the Quit with Bella, the artificial intelligence stop smoking service, is meeting the needs of residents who want to stop smoking, and who may not have been reached by traditional stop smoking services. The app is reaching high risk groups within our ethnic communities, younger people of working age and those who are sick, disabled or unemployed and offers an effective solution for stopping smoking.”

- Bal Kaur, Acting Director of Public Health, Public Health and Wellbeing, Dudley Council

“I like the advice and guidance Bella gives me, it’s very informative and encouraging”

- User

“Bella supports me on what to expect when becoming smoke free and how to use medication.”

- User

"Quit with Bella has already helped over 200 people to quit smoking in Oxfordshire and continues to provide an any time support for smokers wanting to quit. Not only has it helped smokers to quit, but it has supported our stop smoking advisors to support more people."

- Elizabeth West, Stop Smoking Manager, Oxford.

"Hampshire County Council has given the go-ahead to promote ‘Quit with Bella' to support smokers to give up! Following rigorous review and scrutiny, ‘Quit with Bella’ is now helping more people to quit smoking at any time and live healthier and happier lives."

- Smokefree Hampshire

Bella speaks
your language

Bella can talk to you in your language

Intelligent and
Straightforward Support

No graphics to navigate, no graphs to understand, just a personalised conversation with a trained expert.

Get Started


Download the app and start talking to Bella. Talk in a completely natural way. Advanced artificial intelligence allows you to have a fluid and human like conversation with Bella.


Continue to converse with Bella. Bella will use knowledge from hundreds of smoking cessation experts, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) evidence-guidelines, and service users to provide a personalised response to your situation.


Enter Bella Community! Join a community of people supporting each other to be smokefree for life! Express how you are feeling, support others through comments and smiles, and become the permanent ex-smoker you want to be!

On Demand

Bella is ready to provide expert support whenever you need it.


Bella has been built on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) evidence-guidelines, and knowledge from hundreds of experts.

Powered By

Solutions 4 Health are the largest provider of stop smoking services in the UK. After a decade of service delivery, Quit with Bella has been created with all the experience, understanding, and knowhow that has helped thousands of people successfully quit smoking.

To learn more click here

Bella Talks. Bella Tells Jokes. Bella Learns.

The technology doesn’t matter, it’s the impact on you to become smokefree for life that matters.

Knowledgeable, Understanding, and Encouraging

Everything you’d want from your very own robo-coach.

Enter Bella Community!

Join a community of people supporting each other to be smokefree for life! Express how you are feeling, support others through comments and smiles, and become the permanent ex-smoker you want to be!

SEHTA Innovation Awards

Quit with Bella reached the finalist stage of the SEHTA Innovation Awards.

HTN Awards 2020 Best use of AI

Quit with Bella reached the finalist stage of the HTN Awards for the Best use of AI.

Best use of AI

Quit with Bella has won the “Best use of AI” award. To learn more click here

Featured at ITU/WHO

Quit with Bella featured at the third ITU/WHO Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Health”. To learn more click here.

A Real World Evaluation by Dr Angela Snowling, Consultant in Public Health FFPH, PhD

A real world Quit with Bella Evaluation in Dudley is available upon request at bella@solutions4health.co.uk.

Key takeaways from the evaluation are:

  • Quit with Bella 4 week quit rates are similar to gold standard face to face services with free NRT.
  • Quit with Bella is reaching out to users who would may not have engaged with a traditional stop smoking service and to those in priority areas.
  • The cost per quitter for Quit with Bella compared to usual traditional services is much lower, showing how Quit with Bella can be a cost-effective solution to provide an evidence-based service at scale.

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0800 772 0217

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